
Formerly known as Claudia Walde, the famous German female graffiti artist was born in Bautzen, Germany in 1980. Known for her large-scale outdoor graffiti, MadC started out as a young girl on the streets and officially released her first graffiti work at the age of 16. She later graduated from the University of Fine Arts in Halle, Germany, and St Martin’s College of Art in London. Today, she has branched out into various related fields including graphic design, writing and art education.

In 2010, MadC shocked the world with her graffiti work ‘700 Wall’. The entire piece was created on a 700-metre-long wall along the fire route from Berlin to Halle. It is the world’s largest solo graffiti work to date, and took MadC four months to complete independently. The entire process of MadC’s creation is implied: the sketching in the studio, the lettering in the workshop, and finally the graffiti on the wall. The whole painting shows us a fantastic world.

The development of MadC’s work from street art to gallery has been a major shift. In order to bring the energy of the street to the canvas, MadC has made many attempts: she has tried to work with materials such as ink, watercolour, acrylic and spray paint, and has achieved great results with the overlapping of colours. The relationship between light, glass, and street writing methods is the main focus of her current research, and she has begun to gradually construct a personal aesthetic system: a new visual language born out of street graffiti and emphasising the nature of street art as a language. Her books on street art are regarded as textbooks by many schools and artists.

In addition to her on-shelf work, MadC has been working on urban art projects around the world with her own preoccupation, saying « Art is equal, it should be seen by all, not just in galleries and museums ». In addition to her re-creation, she also works on charitable projects for women and children. Donating her own paintings to The Children’s Society helps to give a new lease of life to children in need.

MadC produces less than 50 paintings a year. MadC is a highly promising contemporary female artist and her works are in high demand from collectors in the USA, UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, China and Korea.


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© Photo : Wolfgang Osterheld 1992
© Photo : Rituals PR
N°424, 1971, huile sur papier, 65x50cm
Karl 4 Ever, 2019, technique mixte sur toile, 100x100cm
Composition, 1965, aquarelle sur papier, 32x24,3cm
Life Is A Circus, 2022, technique mixte sur toile, 100x100cm
Sans titre, 1973, huile sur papier marouflé sur toile, 65x50cm
Brasilia On The Horizon, 2022, technique mixte sur toile, 100x100cm
Sans titre, 1971, huile sur papier, 78x64cm
20:39-16122021, 2021, technique mixte sur toile, 100x100cm
Sans titre, 1973, huile sur papier marouflé sur toile, 65x50cm
DEEP INSIDE THE MIND, 2022, acrylique sur toile, 79.5×99.5cm
Sans titre, 1971, huile sur papier, 78x64cm
17:59-1412021, 2021, technique mixte sur toile, 120x120cm